Get Involved

Schedule a Tour

The memorial monument “She Wouldn’t Take Off Her Boots” at LaBauer park is accesible to all park visitors everyday from 7am – 11pm. If you are interested in a guided tour of the monument and/or a visit with artist Victoria Milstein at her nearby studio, please fill out the form below.

Screen The Film

Women of the Shoah encourages organizations to screen the film for their communities. Please fill out the form below to inquire about showing the film at your location and if you would like to request a talkback after the film with Artist Victoria Milstein, Holocaust survivor Shelly Weiner,  and/or Producer Jenny Kaiser.

Join The Teacher Fellowship

the Women of the Shoah Teacher Fellowship awards Guilford County Middle and High School teachers training in the curriculum, funding for in-class arts activities, and field trips to the monument where students can engage with the memorial through discussions with the artist and holocaust survivors.

Utilize The Curriculum

Below you can find the curriculum plan developed by Victoria Carlin and Laurie Schaefer and approved by the NC Council on the Holocaust and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. We encourage you to use this dynamic and engaging curriculum in your classroom.

Schedule An In-Person or Virtual Visit

The monument artist and Women of the Shoah staff are available for lectures, workshops, and classroom visits in-person or virtually to tell the story of the monument. Fill out the inquiry form below if you are interested in inviting us.

Participate In The Docent Program

Women of the Shoah will be leading tours of the memorial monument throughout the school year for thousands of High School and Middle School students. To Accommodate these groups, we are launching the Women of the Shoah Docent program made up of enthusiastic community members. Fill out the inquiry form below if you are interested in joining!

Donate To Women of the Shoah

A fund has been established at the Jewish Foundation of Greensboro for the creation of the Monument, educational curriculum, and future programming. Make your tax-deductible gift through our partner below.

Come To A Program

The Greensboro Contemporary Jewish Museum will be curating community engaged placemaking programs on-site at the monument beginning in Summer 2024. Join us for these participatory initiatives that will engage a wide array of audiences in Greensboro and beyond.

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Contact us.
(336) 355-1213